2014 Survey Background (Statewide)

Skills-building students Statewide were surveyed if they met one of the following criteria in 2011-2012, and did not enroll in 2012-2013: earned a certificate of 6 or more units, earned a vocational degree, or earned 9+ CTE units.  The survey was administered in early 2014 by e-mail, telephone and US mail.  The survey addressed student perceptions of their CTE program, employment outcomes, and how their coursework and training relate to their current career.

54404 students were surveyed and 10770 unduplicated students responded, 2285 of whom responded by e-mail (21.2%), 5978 by telephone (55.5%), and 2507 (23.3%) by US Mail, for a total response rate of 19.8%.

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